"Bugs sir - millions of them!"..."How many millions trooper?"

Sep 2, 2005 13:25 GMT  ·  By

Are you ready to join the Mobile Infantry and save the world?

At the start of the game, the war is not going well? the bugs are rampaging across Hesperus - a planet perilously close to Earth. Colonized by man, Hesperus was once a haven of earthly tranquility. Now, it is a terrifying battleground where the weaknesses of an implacable foe must be discovered and exploited.

A good trooper never leaves home without equipping himself with the weapons to get the job done. This is a selection of the weapons you'll encounter early on in the game. Some are familiar from the movie and others are new?. * M2C SNIPER RIFLE: A highly modified version of the standard M2 designed to pick off the more powerful bugs at long range * M.R.L. PACK: The Multiple Rocket Launder Pack is a Marauder portable variant of the rocket pods found on armed dropships. * M1 STATIC GUN: The M1 static gun is a heavy weapon designed by Morita to give lightly manned outposts sufficient firepower to withstand all but the heaviest arachnid assaults. A highly flexible weapon system, the M1 can be used against a wide variety of bugs. * MINE LAYER: Created to allow the rapid deployment of mine fields without having to go through the time consuming process of placing each mine individually. * Morita Mark 2 - Scatter: This is the old-fashioned assault rifle of the Mobile Infantry. It is not the most technically advanced unit but gets the job done. * Morita Mark 2 - Grenade: The primary fire on the Morita Mark 2 Grenade variant is exactly the same as the Morita Mark 2 Scatter. The Morita Mk 2 Grenade's secondary fire mode is a long-range under-slung grenade launcher. * Mobile Infantry Tactical Assault Shotgun: The Mobile Infantry's Tactical Shotgun fires up to four shells at once, making it lethal at close range. The spread of shrapnel is concentrated at the center of a very wide cone, weakening as it spreads outwards from the center.

The original movie from Paul Verhoeven is considered by many to be the ultimate sci-fi action movie; the game continues the action and brings the player face to face with the deadly bug menace. Of course, we have the arachnid menaces from the movie - including the unpalatable Brain Bug! The bugs have their own 'military hierarchy' and each species is either a Warrior type (infantry), Projectile type (artillery), Flying type (air force), Heavy Armored type (tanks) or High Command type.

Not only that there will be lots of bugs ? but also many of them will be massive, dwarfing you and your comrades. The Warrior stands 4m high whilst the Plasma bug at 15m towers above the landscape!

This demo won the Softpedia Pick Award due to its graphics and tactical gameplay and it can be downloaded here