With your comfy USB heating gloves

Nov 14, 2005 16:27 GMT  ·  By

Everybody loves USB. It's simple and fast. But how far will you go with your love for USB? Well, we know how far an Asian producer went. Thanko created the USB heating gloves. After a little research, we found out that Thanko also created some "Army Style" USB gloves a few weeks ago.

What about these USB heating gloves? You put them on, connect them to your computer via USB and they begin to get warm. Hmmm... ideal for those chilly autumn days when you take your laptop to a walk in the park or something. Moreover, they even have a controller to set the heating level. Each glove is made of wool and connects individually to a USB port, so you won't get tangled in the wires.

The "Army Style" gloves mentioned above use the same mechanism but have a different style. Useless or not, you decide if you want tot wow your friends with the heating USB gloves.

Judging the context, we may ask "How far will technology go?" A short answer comes to my mind. As long as people buy these things, there will always be someone to create them.