Brought to you by Square Enix

Nov 13, 2008 07:40 GMT  ·  By

Supreme Commander was one of the most well polished RTS (Real Time Strategy) games of 2007, offering gamers the opportunity to play in a distant future with three very distinct races on huge battlefields. The title focused on expanding bases and upgrading the technology used by the player's units to win the battles that ensued.

The game, developed by Gas Powered Games, was well received by critics and praised for the very precise micromanagement feature and for the innovations employed in the units of the game. A standalone expansion was launched later that year, which also sold very well.

Strategy fans began to worry as no announcement came from Gas Powered Games concerning the fate of a second title in the new franchise, but now we just got word that Supreme Commander 2 would be produced, as a result of a partnership between the Americans at Gas Powered Games and the Japanese game publisher Square Enix.

"We see great opportunities in European and North American markets, both of which are expected to be maintaining sustainable growth over these coming years," said Yoichi Wada, president and representative director of Square Enix Co., Ltd. "Therefore, it is crucial we create alliances with proven developers such as Gas Powered Games in order to serve these significant markets better by providing products and services in tune with customer tastes."

It now seems like Square Enix is taking the first steps towards becoming more of a global publisher because up until recently it only partnered with Japanese developers. But all in all, this is great news for any strategy fan as Supreme Commander was a very good title and was one of the first games that managed to bring a quality RTS experience to the Xbox 360, as it was launched both on Microsoft's console and on the PC.

Let's hope that the two companies can really join their creative efforts into making a quality game that will surely get any strategy fan interested in buying it.