Nov 13, 2010 09:11 GMT  ·  By
Report says Gerard Butler is on a crash diet to shed the extra weight before production on a new film begins
   Report says Gerard Butler is on a crash diet to shed the extra weight before production on a new film begins

Gerard Butler is so desperate to lose weight that he’s gone on a crash diet, a report in one of the US weeklies says (story via here). So far, he’s already dropped 15 pounds, so the new diet must be working wonders.

The actor’s weight has often made headlines, even if he personally and his fans don’t see what the big fuss is all about: he gains weight or gets in shape for a part, and then, when he’s not working, he’s just indulging in his love for fatty foods.

To get in character for his latest film, for instance, Gerard reportedly packed on the pounds by eating six meals a day – and, as we also informed you a while back, agreeing to wear a much-dreaded mullet.

Now, he’s about to start shooting for a new film and, as it happens, he’s required to be at the top of his game once more, wherefrom the so-called desperation to lose weight, InTouch Weekly claims in the latest print issue.

“[Gorgeous] Gerard Butler, once known for his amazing abs and perfect pecs, packed on 30 pounds to play a middle-aged biker in his latest film, Machine Gun Preacher. But the 41 year old is no longer stuffing his face with six meals a day to beef up,” the mag writes.

“Now, to prepare for a new role playing 18th-century poet Robert Burns, Gerard is frantically trying to slim down and shed the excess weight,” the same publication says.

In order to do that in time, Gerard has given up his favorite treats and is hitting the gym again. The results did not fail to appear, with a source saying for the mag he’s dropped 15 pounds in just two weeks.

“He stopped eating pastas and sweets, and is working out,” dishes an unnamed spy. “In two weeks, he’s dropped 15 pounds!” the source adds.