Luigi Piccardi thinks bubbles caused by geological forces are behind most Nessie sightings

Jul 1, 2013 20:21 GMT  ·  By

Italian geologist Dr. Luigi Piccardi is convinced that he's got the mystery of the Loch Ness monster all figured out.

The researcher argues that, although some alleged sightings of this elusive creature are no more and no less than hoaxes, odds are that certain people have actually seen things that hint to the fact that something odd is happening beneath Loch Ness' surface. Sources say that, as far as this geologist is concerned, some of the people who claim to have seen Nessie really did catch a glimpse of something.

The only problem is that what they mistook for the Loch Ness monster were merely bubbles caused by geological forces.

Dr. Luigi Piccardi explains that, every once in a while, the Great Glen fault system, which runs precisely beneath this lake, experiences seismic activity.

This disturbs the water's surface and might cause some people to think that an odd creature is swimming very close to the surface.

“There are various effects on the surface of the water that can be related to the activity of the fault. With increased activity of the fault, in reality people have seen the effects of the earthquakes on the water,” the geologist reportedly told the press.

As well founded as Dr. Luigi Piccardi's arguments might be, some might prefer to think that in fact a mysterious creature inhabits this Scottish lake.