The game will remain Xbox 360 exclusive

Sep 3, 2008 07:08 GMT  ·  By

When Gears of War was launched the Xbox 360 fan base cheered as the title promised to be the flagship of their console, with top notch graphics, incredible action and innovative controls. The idea was that the Epic made game would be so much better than any other shooter on the PC or on the PlayStation 3 that gamers would flock to the Microsoft made console. The game was also set to be console exclusive.


A few years have passed since then and now we can look back at the first Gears of War and see how things turned out. The game was ported to the PC, the graphics were cool, but not extraordinary, while the game delivered on the action though skimping on the story.


Epic is currently creating Gears of War 2, which is set to be released for the Xbox 360 on November 7, and Cliff Bleszisnki, the lead designer, promised that the game would be more than a sequel, as the story would have much more depth, while the gameplay would present gamers with a variety of challenges unlike any that they have encountered in a first person shooter. It will be the embodiment of the "bigger, better, more" mantra.


And now the same Bleszinki is saying that the game will not receive a PC version. He talked to IGN and specifically stated that "Gears of War is a great franchise first and foremost for Xbox 360, and therefore we're focusing on that platform for Gears of War 2. We've decided we're not going to do a PC version this time around."


Remember GTA IV, a game that was also said to be a console exclusive? Guess what, a PC version is in the works and there are reports that it looks better than its Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. So I'd be very much surprised if Epic did not, six or more months after the initial release, port Gears of War 2 to the PC.