Aug 18, 2011 05:40 GMT  ·  By

What it is: Volition’s and THQ’s Saints Row series didn’t really impress many people with the first game, but the second really highlighted just what sort of over the top experience can players expect from the franchise, allowing them to engage in all sorts of crazy activities.

Now, with Saints Row 3: The Third, Volition wants to bring back the same tongue-in-cheek approach to the array of activities you can do, while coupling it with an enhanced graphics engine, better gameplay mechanics and a more alive open world sandbox.

How it is: Saints Row 3 knows players don’t want rich or heartwarming stories, and starts right from the get go with an outlandish energy drink commercial marketed with the brand of The Third Street Saints, who, after the events of the second game, now own a huge financial empire.

After that, the first mission begins with the Saints robbing a bank, because more money is good money, in their typical over the top style, while being assaulted by special forces soldiers, helicopters and other enemies, all of whom the Saints leave dead in their tracks.

After a few really intense scripted sequences, where the main character fights off SWAT members while dangling from a bank safe that’s being airlifted by a helicopter, the main mission ends, allowing players to start exploring the new city of Steelport.

At first, players can buy shops like fashion or weapon ones, thus earning a discount as well as an hourly cash rebate. Once again, the character creator in Saints Row 3 shines, allowing you to customize practically every part of your virtual self.

After spending more than ten minutes crafting my player, with the help of one of THQ’s very attractive promoters for the game, I finally started exploring the town and causing havoc. Many side missions return from Saints Row 2, like insurance fraud, where players need to go into an intersection and fling their bodies into cars.

New activities are also present, like special challenge rooms made for Professor Genki’s Super Ethical Reality Climax reality show, which sees players take on waves of enemies dressed in animal suits, while avoiding traps and earning special upgrades.

Needless to say, the game handles extremely smooth and it seems that Saints Row 3: The Third will finally deliver the over the top experience we’ve been craving since the second game, but coupled with improved production values, better looking graphics and all sorts of crazy options.

When and on what: Saints Row 3: The Third is out on November 15, for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

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