Developers fail to connect players with their game universe

Feb 15, 2013 09:06 GMT  ·  By

The main creator behind Super Smash Bros. believes that video game developers need to improve the way they handle storytelling in their games, creating more complex tales while also making sure that they deliver relevant content quickly.

Masahiro Sakurai, writes in a Famitsu editorial translated by Polygon that, “A game’s story absolutely needs to match the content and the gameplay. In an ideal world, we could take advantage of this to provide new story developments that you’ll never be able to see in other media.”

When developers fail to quickly create interesting stories, they push gamers away and never get the chance to explain their mechanics.

Sakurai adds, “I just want to enjoy the game and I think I’m just intolerant of aspects that block that enjoyment. I can enjoy a story in any other form of media; I just want the game to let me play it already.”

The developer says that he wrote the entire script of Kid Icarus: Uprising on his own in order to make sure that the entire story made sense and did not conform to the classic stereotypes of the genre.

The game maker was able to make sure that characters and bosses had a personality that matched their roles and their interactions with the protagonist.

Super Smash Bros. was first launched during 1999 and has had another two installments since then, becoming one of the most important titles on Nintendo hardware.

At the moment, Sakurai and his team is working on a fourth new title in the series, which is set to be launched on the new Wii U.

The game is being created via collaboration with Namco Bandai and it seems that it will include a number of new mechanics and ideas.

The game will also be delivered on the 3DS and a form of cross platform play will be included.