MumboJumbo's games will be released by GFI with full Russian support

Dec 27, 2007 07:38 GMT  ·  By

There were times when the games in the Jagged Alliance series were played and enjoyed by people all over the world, with Ivan or Rusty bringing delightful chaos to opposing sides. Then, Game Factory Interactive announced the full 3D sequel, called Jagged Alliance 3D. It never happened. They changed the title to Jazz: Hired Guns and... it never happened. Did we get your attention? Very good! This is not today's news.

But it's somewhat related, since it's about Game Factory Interactive - they have signed a contract with MumboJumbo to publish a few games. And, if you don't know it yet, MumboJumbo is the company related to titles such as Luxor, 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, Chainz Relinked 2, GemSweeper and Reaxxion. Actually, these are the exact names of the games to be published by Game Factory Interactive in the Baltic States and the CIS Territory.

So it seems that GFI has gone casual. Hopefully (for the JA fans, at least), this will not be a permanent deal. But, at least, it could've been worse. Now, since the games will be fully localized in Russian language and the release will be made during New Year's holidays, everything seems fair enough. At least for those interested in casual games.

And why wouldn't you be, at least a little bit, since the first name on the list is Luxor - of the most popular products of the genre, something that looks a lot like Zuma. But you knew that already. 7 Wonders of the Ancient World is a logic puzzle game released to gaming consoles too, that has been received well by critics. Chainz Relinked 2, the sequel for Chainz is yet another puzzle game, while GemSweeper or Reaxxion offer over 200 playable levels. So, if it isn't Jagged Alliance 3D or Jazz: Hired Guns or whatever name they might find for it until 2010, we still have these games. Not the same, I know.