The game will become available on Steam Early Access on March 27

Mar 25, 2014 09:20 GMT  ·  By

Stardock's sequel to the highly acclaimed Galactic Civilization 2 just got its first gameplay video, showing what the game looks like and how it plays in an edited two-minute version.

The video shows a full game of the Galactic Civilizations 3 alpha, narrated by Stardock's brand manager Adam Biessener and edited for added dramatic effect. The first look at the game shows how players will be able to move around and explore the hex-based empire they will build once the game goes live.

The video shows his daring scouts zig-zagging their way through the hex-based universe, showcasing how his particular racial bonus allows him to get a head start in the game. The vid then jumps straight into showing his war fleets blitzing around the galaxy in a conquering spree, with transports following not far behind for colony invasion.

He goes on to say that there are still many things to add to Galactic Civilizations 3, such as diplomacy, which will play a huge role in the final game, along with the colony management screen, the custom ship builder and many other features.

Galactic Civilizations is one of the highest rated 4X strategy games of all time, and developer Stardock plans to deliver a modern sequel that will once again have players face the age old question of whether to win by transcending the meager prison of flesh or to murder everyone else.

The game is still a long way from launch, but the developers are very pleased with how the game is shaping up so far, pointing out that Galactic Civilizations 3 will be all about choices, allowing players to win through a variety of means.

GalCiv3 is also the first game in the space conquest series that will feature multiplayer, a feature which is definitely something that Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread lords sorely needed.

The game looks more like some sort of Galactic Civilizations 2.5 with improved graphics and hexes, which frankly sounds just great, especially if Stardock keeps the flavor from the second iteration, with the tech tree descriptions and interesting alien races.

The interesting thing to see is whether Stardock manages to deliver a truly modern title in the 4X genre that will convince veteran players to abandon the classic games that they fall back on whenever another new game disappoints on various levels.

Galactic Civilizations 3 alpha will be available on Steam Early Access starting March 27, and fans who pre-order the Founder's Edition will be able to get a taste of the upcoming strategy game firsthand.