Gamers will no longer be able to use the vehicle in Online

Apr 6, 2015 15:41 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Rockstar is focused on making Grand Theft Auto V better in the long term, and it seems that one the stealth fixes that was recently introduced adds an original way of eliminating the glitches associated with the Duke O'Death vehicle.

Initially, the car was supposed to be only available in the single-player campaign because it was very resistant to attacks, making it easy for gamers to get out of tight spots without getting killed.

A glitch then enabled the Duke O'Death to be transferred to the Online side of the game as long as it was unlocked, which allowed plenty of veteran players to get access to it and get the upper hand over those who did not play as much single-player.

Rockstar has decided to solve the problem in an unusual way, by blowing up every single special car as soon as the player tries to get behind the wheel and actually use it.

The studio seems determined not only to eliminate all Duke O'Death cars from the Online component of GTA V but also to make it clear that use of glitches to gain gameplay advantages is not a solid strategy in the long term.

Take a look at the attached player video to see how the process works.

I suspect that a lot of abandoned Duke O'Death cars will be seen from now on in the Online side of the Rockstar-made experience.

More content for the open world title is coming this year

With the Heists update for GTA V Online now launched, the focus of the team at Rockstar is on the release of the PC version of the game, which was repeatedly delayed.

Gamers will get the title on April 14 with a host of improvements, including better textures and an upgraded core engine, as well as a wider selection of music.

Rockstar says that it will continue to deliver its content for the Online mode, while also introducing new tools that will allow the community to create its own interesting events.

Sources are also saying that there are plans to reveal a new expansion for GTA V, with a new character included, which will be launched before the end of the year.