9 new songs for the 360 GH II, except they're not all that new

Apr 12, 2007 08:42 GMT  ·  By

The 360 Guitar Hero II has just launched and what do you know? Three great new song packs (each containing three famous, classic kick songs from GH for the PS2) have just been made available as download content for Xboxers via Microsoft's Internet service for the gaming console, Xbox Live Arcade. The three song packs are, as Joystiq posts today:

Pack 1: "Bark at the Moon," "Hey You," "Ace of Spades" Pack 2: "Killer Queen," "Take it Off," "Frankenstein" Pack 3: "Higher Ground,"(a Red Hot Chily Peppers song and my personal favorite of the lot) "Infected" and "Stellar."

Each pack is going to be available for 500 Microsoft Points, which brings it to $7 a pack, which brings it to somewhere above 2 bucks a song, plus other taxes and stuff probably. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we're getting a fair bargain here. These songs were available for the PS2 version of the first installment of Guitar Hero and they've been played and played until TV speakers got broken. I've got no problem with the songs (as I mentioned above), they're great and all, but does Microsoft have to charge for everything? I'm not so sure that GH fans are willing to pay the extra buck for something they'd consider "stale," in terms of GH songs. Then again the songs are classics, so what do I know?

But I hear that GH II on the 360 plays a little better, with that X-plorer guitar it has. Oh, and let's not forget the upcoming effects pedal. Who knows, maybe that's what the company's banking on. That and the fact that Xbox Live is the greatest Internet service ever for a console, thus subscribers have to go deep down into their pockets for all the great content.