Hasn't been dated, hasn't even been properly announced...

May 3, 2007 09:19 GMT  ·  By

Following the incredible success of Guitar Hero II, Activision has announced a month ago a sequel for the game that literally rocked the world: Guitar Hero: '80s Edition. With the announcement of the PS2 and soon to be Xbox 360 title, some details were in order for the following weeks, such as pricing, exact release day and songs. Although each and every major gaming site today has a release date for the game, none of them really knows exactly when the game ships.

While Gamespot says GH: '80s Edition is due for released June 4, 2007, Gamefly and Amazon Canada are convinced that July 31 is actually the date when the game hits retailers. Although GameFly is known to bring only reliable data, we can't go by their release date alone, if neither RedOctane, nor Activision has made any official statement regarding the game's release date.

GH: '80s Edition is said to feature 15 different versions of Van Halen's Jump, som Indie, hippie, grunge and so on. Although many are eager to hear of RedOctane working on a Guitar Hero: Metal Edition packed with the likes of Slayer and Pantera, the developer is sticking to the '80s Edition for now.

But there's another aspect of great importance to be taken into consideration here, as Joystiq points out, and that is the fact that GH '80s Edition hasn't been rated by ESRB yet. Hasn't been rated...hasn't been dated, hasn't even been announced and presented properly. What's going on here? Don't tell me that they're implementing Elvis's work? Would that imply a microphone...? Hey that's not such a bad idea!