Claims they are affordable

Oct 28, 2008 08:46 GMT  ·  By

G.Skill, one of the leading extreme memory makers, has recently unveiled its new “affordable” ultra-performance Solid State Drives, featuring the SATA II interface in a 2.5-inch form factor. The company's latest SSD offer has been designed to provide users with 64GB and 128GB capacities, thus meeting the requirements of a wider range of potential customers.


The new Solid State Drives from G.Skill have been specifically created to deliver a high performance level in a familiar form factor and in an affordable package. The SATA II 128GB SSDs deliver 155MB/s sequential read speed, 90MB/s sequential write speed, and an access time lower than 0.2ms. They also come with a 2-year warranty, and have an impressive 1.5 million hour mean time before failure (MTBF). In addition, the new SSDs are said to be made of a strong metal alloy housing, thus protecting the user's valuable data from any mishaps. They also come with built-in EDC/ECC.  

No word on availability or specific retail price thus far, so we can't really say what G.Skill understands by the term “affordable.” Super Talent, another memory maker that has also made its entrance on the SSD market, introduced in late September new 64GB and 128GB capacity SSDs that were said to retail for $179 and $299, respectively, while delivering maximum read/write speeds of 100 and 40MB/s, respectively. If G.Skill's latest SSDs will sell for a similar or even a lower pricing, they could easily attract countless customers.


As flash-based storage technology has evolved, more memory makers are announcing their debut on the new SSD market. However, until the price per gigabyte doesn't reach a level closer to that of HDDs, the majority of consumers are unlikely to prefer the new SSD solution over standard HDDs, despite the fact that SSDs can provide an enhanced performance and more data security over magnetic drives.

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New 2.5-inch SSDs from G.Skill
New 2.5-inch SSDs from G.Skill
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