Film’s release date has been changed from June 29 to March 29

May 24, 2012 14:52 GMT  ·  By

With just weeks before its official release, “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” has taken a major kick to the groin, with Paramount deciding to push the release back nine months, from June 29 to March 29, 2013.

The decision to delay the film even though fans were already getting psyched about it has a lot to do with boosting its chances of making a killing at the box office.

In other words, it will be converted to 3D even though that wasn't on the initial plan.

“We’re going to do a conscientious 3D job because we’ve seen how it can better box office internationally,” one Paramount executive tells Deadline.

Chances are the release date was pushed back because the studio was afraid “G.I. Joe” would be no match for “The Amazing Spider-Man,” which happens to come back around the same time and which is poised to rule the box office.

At the same time, the decision also spells trouble for Paramount, in that it tells fans the studio is not confident enough to have the film released in 2D, so it's pushing for the premium ticket price to recoup its loss.

Either way, fans are not happy.