Six workers have been exposed to the contaminated water, sources say

Oct 10, 2013 06:31 GMT  ·  By
Tons of radioactive water spill after worker at Fukushima mistakenly disconnects a pipeline
   Tons of radioactive water spill after worker at Fukushima mistakenly disconnects a pipeline

This past Wednesday, a worker at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan accidentally disconnected a pipeline.

'Cause, you know, everything at this nuclear facility was going so boringly well, that it was about time someone did something to spice things up.

Inhabitat tells us that, in the aftermath of this pipe's being mistakenly disconnected, several tons of radioactive water spilled.

Information shared with the public by Tepco, the company that runs and operates this nuclear plant, says that six workers were exposed to the contaminated water.

They were all wearing protective equipment, but will nonetheless pay a short (or maybe quite long) visit to the doctor's office, just to make sure that they haven't suffered any internal or external exposure to the radioactive material.

It appears that the water that spilled amounts to 10 tons. Tepco maintains that, for the time being at least, none of it has reached the Pacific Ocean.