Clean up operations aren't over yet, more money will be spent in the years to come

Aug 6, 2013 16:51 GMT  ·  By

Greenpeace activists claim that, since March 2011 until present day, a whopping $58 billion (€43.7 billion) have been spent on efforts to clean up the mess left behind by the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Since clean up operations are far from over, odds are that a lot more money will be spent in the years to come.

More so given the fact that, according to recent news on the topic, the nuclear plant is leaking contaminated water not just into the soils around it, but also into the Pacific Ocean.

As explained on the official website for Greenpeace, these $58 billion do not even account for indirect costs linked to the nuclear catastrophe.

“These rocketing costs are unlikely to stop there. This figure doesn't even include the costs of properly disposing of all the contaminated materials, continuing to deal with the Fukushima reactors and the contaminated water leaking into the Pacific Ocean, or adequate compensation for the 160,000 victims of the disaster who still haven't been treated fairly by Fukushima's owner TEPCO or the government,” the organization writes.

Check out the infographic above to get an idea of how this money would have been better spent.