What does it mean?!

Aug 4, 2010 11:37 GMT  ·  By

The only surprising thing about internet memes these days is that they’re still around and, for the most part, unspoiled by ‘greedy corporations.’ But that may not be for long, more and more companies are seizing the latest memes for their own gain. Usually, that spoils the fun for everyone. But if others can do it as funny as Blippy or Zynga, we can only hope that more companies get in on the game. One of the most popular memes of late has been the one with the “double rainbow” guy.

If you missed it, congratulations, you’re probably one of the five people on Earth to manage it. Basically, it’s a video by YouTube user Hungrybear9562, marveling at the beauty of a double rainbow in Yosemite National Park. Actually it’s not so much marveling as it is freaking out. But the over-reaction managed to get a lot of attention and the video became an instant sensation.

So much that you can now buy a double rainbow in FrontierVille, Zynga’s latest cash cow. It will set you back 25 horseshoes, but you get 150 experience points in return. And then you can marvel at the splendor of a double rainbow over your ranch, or farm, or whatever it’s called in FrontierVille, all day long. The item’s description is probably the best part - “Double rainbow full on, all the way! So intense! What does it mean?!”

And if that doesn’t satisfy your thirst for meme’s that just won’t die, you can head over to Blippy and check out its take on it. If you land on the site’s 404 page, you’ll notice a rather sorry looking unicorn wondering “what does it mean ...” If you click on the unicorn he’ll spill out more famous lines from the video and the rainbow on the page goes from a simple to a double and then to a full-on, triple rainbow all the way.

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Blippy's full on, triple rainbow all the way
Double rainbows for sale in FrontierVille
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