Video shows Lizzy Grant before her drastic recent transformation

Jan 23, 2012 16:37 GMT  ·  By

The name on everybody's lips these days is Lana Del Rey. Whether you hate her or you love her, she's the hottest singer to break on the scene – but perhaps few of her new fans know that Lana has been around for a while.

While her recent performance on SNL was harshly criticized, there's still a lot of buzz around her debut album, which is getting excellent reviews from music insiders.

A few years ago, Lana Del Rey did not exist – but there was a Lizzy Grant who performed in NYC bars and who bore somewhat of a resemblance to her.

Lizzy is Lana before the recent, drastic transformation. She had considerably smaller lips, more of an “ordinary” fashion style and a less quirky sound.

Check out the video above of Lana before she was Lana.