Video of actor riding the train goes viral, proves he's a true gentleman

Dec 12, 2011 10:19 GMT  ·  By

Fans of Keanu Reeves must be all too acquainted with the “Sad Keanu” memes making the rounds. If so, they can now replace them with a “Gentleman Keanu” one, as the video above will confirm he's just that.

Shot in August this year, it's just now that the above video is starting to get the attention that it rightfully deserves.

It shows Keanu on a subway train, as shot by a fan sitting across from him. He clearly has no idea that every one of his moves is being recorded.

At one point, after passengers get in, he looks to his side and notices that one woman is standing. He kindly offers her his seat, while he continues the rest of his journey standing.

The video has generated plenty of interest online, with many fans saying that this is just another instance that confirms that Keanu is as far from a Hollywood star as possible: he is a generous and one-of-a-kind soul, a true gentleman.

Many female fans even go as far as to describe him as an ideal man. Check out the video above to see if they're right.