The game will have the same themes even if story is different

Mar 10, 2012 07:37 GMT  ·  By

Despite the fact that Dark Souls is not actually a sequel to Demon’s Souls the development team at From Software is keen on creating more video games that tap the same rich vein of dark fantasy and rely on difficult but satisfying mechanics.

Masanori Takeuchi, who is the research and development leader at From Software, talked to GameTrailers and said that, “Of course, it’s not over yet. You have to go back to our roots, which is King’s Field. We’ve made many games in that series. We’ve always been enamoured by dark fantasy action RPGs. That’s just been our core DNA and I think we’ll continue to utilize that.”

The development team at From Software seems more interested in developing gaming experiences that appear to a niche of gamers who look for a hardcore experience rather than simply making enough money in order to keep the series going.

Eiichi Nakajima, who is the executive producer working on Dark Souls, added, “The success of both Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls, which have each sold over a million per title worldwide, has made us shift our thinking internally to not just core gamers, but to globalize our products, that they can be successful on a worldwide scale. That’s now one of the key pillars we consider when we develop games in the future.”

Takeuchi says that the team has not made any decisions about the platforms on which they plan to release the sequel to Dark Souls, although he suggested that his team was looking at both mobiles and tablets, evaluating their potential to support a hardcore experience.

Dar Souls has been launched in early October 2011 on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 and there’s a player driven effort to get the game on the PC which the developers have not yet answered.

A sequel will probably arrive no sooner than late 2013.