The species was discovered back in 1876, wildlife researchers explain

Jan 13, 2014 09:08 GMT  ·  By

A frog by the name Pseudophilautus hypomelas (or the webless shrub frog, if you prefer) has decided to act less like an amphibian and more like the star of a movie titled “Dawn of the Walking Dead,” and showed up in Sri Lanka despite its being classified as extinct for several decades.

Wildlife researchers explain that this frog species was first documented by science in 1876. At that time, it was described as sporting as set of distinct markings on its back.

Shortly after it was discovered, the webless shrub frog hid from view and refused to show its face in public for many years in a row. Thus, scientists concluded that it must have gone extinct.

The species resurfaced in 2010, when a group of researchers studying biodiversity in Sri Lanka stumbled upon some 40 such amphibians, Mongabay reports.

Funnily enough, the scientists who found these creatures first assumed that they were dealing with a new species. It was only later when they realized that what they had in fact discovered were representatives of a species believed to be extinct.

The webless shrub frog might not have fallen off the biodiversity map just yet, but specialists warn that, given the fact that humans are overexploiting its habitat, odds are that it is only a matter of time until it does.

The species is currently listed as a critically endangered one.