Innovative gameplay and unique underwater elements

Dec 15, 2006 12:40 GMT  ·  By

You are probably wondering what the heck is Red Ocean? Don't worry, I'm going to clear that up for you. Red Ocean is a first-person action game, which is supposed to have an innovative gameplay combined with unique underwater elements.

Red Ocean is developed by Collision Studios, company that will also develop a game based on the 300 movies by Warner Bros. The game will be called 300: March to Glory and will be released on PSP simultaneously with the film in March 2007. The publisher of Red Ocean will be Digital Tainment Pool if anyone is interested.

In Red Ocean, players will be embodied by Jack Hard, a diving instructor/treasure hunter, who discovers in the depths of the ocean a secret Russian cold war research station (hence the name Red Ocean). This research station has fallen into the hands of a terrorist organization, and it is your job to stop them using the power of the ocean.

Don't get me wrong, you're not some kind of a mermaid who interacts with the ocean on a surreal level, but a regular human who uses firepower. Shootouts take place in collapsing underwater tunnels, flooded structures, but still, you have to overcome all of this and prevent terrorists from spreading biological weapons in the world.

What seems innovative about this game is that you will deal with water in all 3 states of aggregation. If you missed your chemistry class, don't worry I will explain it for you. You will encounter water in the classic liquid form, and you will be able to approach your enemies unnoticed by diving in it. Below zero degrees Celsius, the water will freeze and will become a slippery surface, which can also be used to wipeout your enemies; and over 100 degrees Celsius water turns into hot Steam and you don't wanna mess with that.

To get a look at this game's graphics you can check out the screenshots below.

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