Another political party is attacked by cybercriminals

Nov 9, 2011 15:10 GMT  ·  By
The symbol that represents the political party is a bit different after they were hit by hackers
   The symbol that represents the political party is a bit different after they were hit by hackers

The UMP French party's website was hacked by an unnamed cybercriminal that published tons of sensitive information on politicians, ministers and members of the political organizations. The Hacker News reports that large quantities of data were posted on Pastebin, public figures such as Bernard Accoyer, Lionel Tardy, Jean Tiberi, Georges Tron, Christian Vanneste, Jean Luc Warsmann, Laurent Wauquiez, Michèle Alliot-Marie or Patrick Balkany being exposed as a result.

The documents entitled French Right Wing Hacked contained data such as status, title, date of birth, education, addresses, phone numbers and information on the families and friends of the victims.

France is joining the US, Australia and a few Scandinavian countries where hackers published the information of high-profile citizens as a form of retaliation against the state.