Swim, surf or just fool around. All the while listening to your favorite music.

Oct 9, 2008 08:08 GMT  ·  By

Freestyle Audio have just announced their newest waterproof MP3 player, a neat tool that can be your perfect choice if you simply can't be separated from your music while swimming or surfing or doing whatever involves water. It looks like waterproof music players are slightly becoming a serious trend and maybe it's a normal thing, after all those years during which electronics and water put together resulted in the instantaneous demise of the gadgets.

This new audio toy goes by the name of SoundWave, and there is nothing more natural to that.

Even more than being waterproof, the Freestyle Audio SoundWave is also shockproof and comes with a durable rubberized design that's as easy to use as it is safe. Indeed, the SoundWave isn't the best-looking waterproof MP3 player, but in this case we'd rather be looking for protection against accidental shocks and water than against fashionistas' evil eye.

The Freestyle Audio SoundWave comes with a 2 GB flash memory and can handle MP3 files, as well as WMA and DRM files such as protected WMA; and if you are a fan of the subscription services, you can use this player with iTunes and Napster. The color OLED display will give you extensive visual info on the songs you'll be playing as well as offer you data related to the FM stations you've tuned in to, using the built-in radio receiver. The features are completed by the preset equalizer settings and software support for using the Freestyle Audio SoundWave as a portable hard drive, allowing you to store multiple files just like you'd use a normal storage device.

Running with both PC and Mac computers, the Freestyle Audio SoundWave sports a rechargeable battery that gives you up to 18 hours of playback time on a single charge. One can use this player with the supplied waterproof earbuds when need be and dive down to 10 feet underwater, or with normal headphones in more electronics-friendly environments. The Freestyle Audio SoundWave retails for around $90 and comes with an adjustable armband. And yes, it floats.

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The SoundWave, a new waterproof MP3 player
Not the nicest MP3 player around but definitely one of the most enduring
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