Five new maps can be had for free from the Xbox Live Marketplace

Nov 25, 2011 10:07 GMT  ·  By

Epic Games stayed true to its word and deployed the free Versus Booster Map Pack DLC for Gears of War 3, which is now available for download through the Xbox Live online service.

The DLC includes five multiplayer maps, including two remade from Gears of War 1, called Clocktower and Bullet Marsh, as well as three levels that were just released in the Horde Command DLC, in the form of Azura, Rustlung, and Blood Drive.

Don’t forget, however, that only those who paid for the Horde Command add-on can access the fortification upgrades on those maps or use their new characters and weapons skins. Those who get the levels via this free DLC can just experience them in a regular way.

Epic Games is preparing even more DLC for Gears of War 3, in the form of the RAAM’s Shadow add-on, which is out on December 13. You can still get the special Gears of War 3 Season Pass which, for an up-front payment of 2400 MS Points allows you free access to all the DLC for the game.