“Just wish things could be easier sometime man,” reads tweet that started new feud

May 24, 2013 08:39 GMT  ·  By

Twitter isn’t just a platform that makes it easier for fans and non-fans to reach out to celebrities and give them praise or a piece of their mind, because celebrities too use it to interact. For instance, Frances Bean Cobain believes that Kendall Jenner is an “idiot,” and she’s not afraid to say so on Twitter.

The daughter of the late rocker Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love took offense at a tweet from Kendall reading “Just wish things could be easier sometime man.”

As she sees it, Kendall, who was born into a rich family and has pretty much whatever her heart desires, not to mention the fact that she makes money too, should not complain about these things on a public platform.

She’s acting like a spoiled and inconsiderate brat by so saying.

“i’d rather be a scumbag than a [expletive]-ing idiot. Praise high IQ’s, good taste & awareness about the state of the world. oh ya, not to mention, CANCER, famine, poverty, draught, disease, natural disasters, Death. [expletive], Humans are so self involved,” Frances wrote on her own feed.

“oh shh. There are kids on earth abandoned&homeless who forcibly drink contaminated water because clean water isn’t accessible,” she added.

Her harsh comments immediately translated into nastier comments on Kendall’s page, with many of the same mind telling her to stop complaining when she has had it so well in life.

It didn’t take long for Kendall to respond. She avoids all cuss words, explains that she knows just how privileged she is and tells Frances she should not feel this free to judge her.

“I am aware that i am very privileged and blessed, and im thankful for that everyday, i know there are greater problems in the world. I pray for those people every night and give back as much as i can. So who are u to judge me?” she writes.

“An individuals feelings are relative to their environment. You don't know me, you don't even know what I was referring to,” Kendall tells Frances.

Frances is yet to respond.