No connection to the movie studio, it is said

Jan 19, 2009 14:20 GMT  ·  By

Biggie Smalls, real name Christopher Wallace, was murdered in LA in 1997, leaving the music industry grieving for one its most talented artists to date. His life was recently made into a film and, should one really want to see a connection here, it too is shrouded in an aura of danger and mystery. Over the weekend, at the official after-party of “Notorious,” four men were stabbed by a yet unidentified man.

Whereas the identities of the four victims have already been made public, it seems that no one knows what exactly prompted this vicious attack, or whether there was any kind of provocation for it. All that is known at this point is that it took place in a Brooklyn club, where the “official after-party” for the film, which just premiered in the US on Friday, was taking place. Three of the victims are in stable condition, while a fourth’s state is deemed critical, after having been stabbed several times.

Fox Searchlight Pictures, contacted by the New York Post, has issued a statement regarding the strange incident, basically setting the record straight and saying it had absolutely nothing to do with the film or the character it portrays. “It’s an unfortunate and isolated incident, but there is no connection to the filmmakers or the studio.” a spokesperson for Fox explained.

However, the aunt of two of the victims claims the reason why this was possible in the first place was the negligence of the bodyguards, who did not do their job as they should have. Among one of the things they did not do on that night was to check all customers for weapons, and not allow underage teens in. The boys stabbed were 21 and 18 and, other than them, no other connection between the victims has yet been established.

“These boys were just there to have a good time, and then this happened. I don’t know what set it off.” Michelle Anderson also told the media. Her 19-year-old son was also among the injured in the attack.