Although it was initially planed for launch by the end of 2008

Jun 12, 2009 08:35 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft is gearing up to debut into Beta the remaining security solution of the two edge products that the company announced would be offered under the Forefront brand over a year ago at the Interop conference in Las Vegas. In just a few weeks customers will be able to test drive the evolution of Intelligent Application Gateway. IAG 2007 has been rebranded as Forefront Unified Access Gateway, a move that was synonymous with the transition of the solution among the Forefront lineup of products.

“More than a year ago, we have announced the successor of IAG - Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG). For this entire period, our team was heads down in making this happen. It’s been a long journey and we are very proud to present the result to you, our customers and community. In just a couple of weeks you will be able to join our excitement and dig in deep into the new UAG, when it reaches its public beta,” Oleg Ananiev, group program manager, UAG Team, said.

At the end of April 2008 the software giant announced the successors of Internet Security & Acceleration Server 2006 and the Internet Access Gateway, namely Forefront Threat Management Gateway, and Forefront Unified Access Gateway. As far as the Redmond company's Unified Threat Management and Web gateway bundle is concerned, Forefront Threat Management Gateway has reached the final Beta, no. 3. In contrast, Forefront Unified Access Gateway is progressing along slower and is just ready to hit Beta 1.

Fact is that Forefront Unified Access Gateway has slipped past the initial delivery deadlines announced by Microsoft more than a year ago. The Redmond company was planning to offer the first public Beta of Forefront Unified Access Gateway before the end of 2008, with the final release in the first half of 2009.

“We can’t wait to show you all the new features and capabilities! Meanwhile, over the coming weeks we will share with you the story of UAG: new features, behind the scenes and in-deep discussions,” Ananiev added.