Rockstar games faces the possibility of injunction for the upcoming game

Oct 12, 2006 09:46 GMT  ·  By

According to GamePolitics, Judge Friedman in the Third District Court of Appeal has asked to review a copy of Rockstar's game, Bully.

GamePolitics found this out via an e-mail sent by Jack Thompson. The information in the e-mail was confirmed by Judge Friedman's clerk. The clerk added that the Judge will be viewing the game in his chambers tomorrow afternoon and if he does not form an opinion, he will spend several days more viewing the game.

A representative of Rockstar games will come into Judge Friedman's chambers and will play Bully, the video for him to watch. The judge needs to decide whether or not the game Bully is a "public nuisance". The "public nuisance" collocation was introduced by Jack Thompson as he tries to have the video game banned. Thompson calls the Judges' decision to view Bully, a huge victory against the video game industry, no matter what the ultimate ruling may be.

Although the game is rated T for teen, some still try to impose injunctions on it as the release date is approaching. It has been set for October 17 for USA and October 27 for Europe.