Brookstone's floating tennis table is the perfect addition to any pool party

Apr 28, 2007 07:26 GMT  ·  By

Table tennis is not an extreme sport, right? But what about playing table tennis on the surface of the water? Brookstone definitely took this sport to the extremes by adding the Floating Waterproof Tennis Table to their "pool & beach accessories" list.

The thing is especially designed for those summer-party lovers who usually like to hang together by the pool. It measures 54 inches long by 27 inches wide, which is (evidently) smaller than a traditional tennis table. The good news is that if you get bored playing tennis you can also use it as an extended serving tray. Plus, it has soft edges so you can push the beer, the crackers and the shakes without hurting anybody. Anyway, the cool part is that you can smash it against your opponent in a nervous brake- down. It also comes with special paddles and balls designed for water use.

There are a few problems though. There's no way you could calmly play table tennis on a board that's always shaking. Better be careful at your opponent's under-water Guerilla strategy. If he wants to win the game, all he has to do is shake his behind, make some waves, and you'll never know what hit you. Hopefully, this area of pool games will extend. Maybe we'll get to see floating snooker tables and floating dart boards.

One thing is certain. If some games can be "moved" from steady ground to shaking waters, there's no way we'll ever get to play curling in our pools.

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