A Sommerset location may just be the most dangerous corner in England

Mar 2, 2013 08:46 GMT  ·  By

Residents of two adjacent homes in Sommerset, England have seen five people crash their vehicle on their street, within 12 hours.

The bend on the A371 near the Pecking Mill Inn, Evercreech has been the spot of 15 accidents over the last 15 years, The Sun writes.

On Sunday evening, February 24, a woman lost control of her car, without causing any damage to the homes of Colin Brine and Steve Cobbin, living near the dangerous corner.

Instants later, at approximately 8.30 p.m., another female motorist drove her vehicle into Brine's parked car, making its way to Cobbin's garden and coming to a screeching halt by smashing into his front door.

According to This Is Sommerset, firefighters were called in to free her from the vehicle, and she needed hospital care.

The next three accidents occurred the next morning, starting early at 6.50 a.m., with a male motorist crashing into a wall on the bend, while driving at low speed.

The fourth incident occurred one hour later, while Brine was snapping shots of the scene. It didn't take long for a fifth driver to lose control of his vehicle, while doing 15 mph (24 kph).

“It was pretty scary to see five crashes outside the house in the space of 12 hours.

“Over the last few years we've had four cars in our garden and a minibus on the wall following accidents. Once a lorry dropped its entire load of beer into our garden.

“We laugh about it now, but my daughter, who is 12, is very scared by it and we don't go in the garden any more,” Cobbin describes.

“We have seen far too many accidents here. [...] I think when the road was resurfaced it affected the camber and it's easy to lose control. We are just hoping that highways will do something about it,” Brine adds.