Is your computer infected with Storm?

Nov 14, 2007 08:06 GMT  ·  By

Storm is one of the top computer threats this year when numerous systems got infected in every corner of the world. Although it was said the Storm avalanche was stopped, it seems the computers might be threatened one more time as Joe Stewart of SecureWorks discovered new signs of infection. The best way to find out if your computer is really infected is to do... nothing. Yes, you've read it right because you'll find out if you're infected with Storm once a pop-up window appears on your desktop for no reason. Just like an adware infection which opens several browser instances on your computer without users' request.

Joe Stewart wrote on the SecureWorks page that the users who get an un-requested browser pop-up window on their desktop might be infected with Storm. It seems like the website loaded by the Storm displays stock information to the user although nobody requested it.

"Since 2006, market annalists predicted gold to hit $800 per ounce within two years. Gold has hit $8123 at ounce just one year later due to depleted gold supplies and a falling US Dollar. In an effort to find more gold, recent findings of large Gold deposits in Suriname has turned this small country into a modern day gold rush," the message displayed inside the pop-up window reads.

So, what's with this message? Is it dangerous or something? Well, just like any other Storm infection, it is incredibly annoying although some of you might not be bothered by those pop-up windows opened every once in a while.

You can always remove the infection with any up-to-date antivirus which provides detection for the numerous types of Storm. In case you don't have an antivirus solution yet, you can take one straight from Softpedia using this link.