And available for download

Jul 3, 2007 07:04 GMT  ·  By

At the beginning of May 2007, Microsoft delivered a Beta version of the Windows Vista Network Monitor 3.1. Available exclusively via Microsoft Connect, Network Monitor 3.1 Beta brought to the table a plethora of new features. And if in May Microsoft was inviting participants in the testing of the beta milestone of Network Monitor 3.1, yesterday, July 3, the final version of the product went live also on Connect.

"The NM3.1 is now available on featuring wireless sniffing and an easier way to create filters using "Right Click Add To Filter". You will need to sign in with your passport account and participate in the Network Monitor 3 project, if you haven't already. Once you do this, you'll have access to the latest download. This will also give you access to our bug filing process and access to our news groups for getting support. We will also release NM3.1 on the Microsoft Download site within the next few weeks," revealed a message from the Network Monitor Team.

Nothing much has changed in the final version, compared to the beta release from two months ago. The Network Monitor Team worked on perfecting the collection of new features it had introduced in the testing phase. Wireless capturing and monitoring mode, RAS tracing support, Microsoft Update enabled, redesigned filter toolbar, overhauled reassembly engine, fresh public parsers, and improved speeds for Parser Loading along with enhanced performances have all been introduced in version 3.1.

Additionally, the team informed that it has taken care of a consistent volume of bugs that have been confirmed to impact the beta version of the tool. Windows Vista is in the focus of the final version of Network Monitor 3.1. Microsoft now enables Network Monitor 3.1 on Vista users to trace wireless management packets in the "wireless (802.11) capturing and monitor mode." This means that users will be able to measure the strength and transfer speed of a wireless network with increased flexibility by scanning all available channels or narrowing it down to just a subset. On Vista, via Network Monitor 3.1 RAS tracing is now supported, offering an insight on the VPN tunnel traffic.