Check out the world of Final Fantasy XIII-2 before next year's release

Dec 9, 2011 01:31 GMT  ·  By

Square Enix has deployed a brand new trailer for Final Fantasy XIII-2, this time focusing on its environments and how the virtual world of the Japanese RPG will deliver a more enhanced experience than its predecessor.

Final Fantasy XIII was a decent game, but it didn’t really impress the legions of fans from all over the world. As such, with Final Fantasy XIII-2, Square Enix wants to deliver a much more improved experience, in order to make amends with customers and showcase that their role playing franchise is still a force to be reckoned with.

After getting to check out its impressive cinematics or the overhauled combat system, a new trailer presents the game’s environments and how they’re much more open and detailed than the regular XIII title.

Check out the trailer above and get ready for Final Fantasy XIII-2’s release on January 31, in North America, and February 2, in Europe.