Apr 11, 2011 06:21 GMT  ·  By

Earlier this year, Apple offered the who’s-who in post production a sneak peek of Final Cut Pro and, according to pretty much everyone who’s had a go at it, the new suite is the best thing since toilet paper.

Mark Raudonis, head of post production at Bunim/Murray Productions, was reportedly present at a FilmMarker Magazine pre-NAB panel discussion where he described Apple’s next Final Cut Pro as ‘awesome.’

He also might have leaked the release date, and hopes not to get in trouble for divulging it.

"I would also end with Henry Ford: 'If I asked people what they wanted, they'd tell me they wanted a faster horse.',” Raudonis said.

“So, Apple is very good at going their own way and figuring out where things will be. They may not ask you what you want. They are going to tell you, 'We're going to invent something different.' And that's kind of my take away from it.”

“I was very impressed,” he continued, “it was awesome and look out, I believe they say it will be available in Spring 2011. So, that goes all the way up to June 20th. So, that's what I know, that's what I can say, and if there's anyone from Apple out there, I hope you don't sue me."

Apple is widely believed to plan the unveiling of its new Final Cut Pro at the Las Vegas SuperMeet.

According to various sources in the video industry, Apple has booked all stage time for its announcement, forcing sponsors like Avid, Canon, and Autodesk to re-schedule or drop their sponsorship altogether.

The SuperMeet website has dropped all references to the previously-mentioned presenters, saying “The Final Cut Pro User Group Network is excited to have a very special guest presentation at the 10th Annual Las Vegas FCPUG SuperMeet. Come to see a surprise sneak peek at something very special - you really do not want to miss this one!”