Find out how to decorate your bedroom for enhancing your good mood and the quality of your sleep

Jun 27, 2006 14:12 GMT  ·  By

The bedroom is the room of your house where you calm down, relax and sleep after a hard working day, a refuge from the outside turbulent world. This is the place where you recharge with the vital energy Chi.

The most important is to keep your bedroom clear of clutter and tidy, because this reduces the flow of energy. Clutter leads to stagnant and chaotic energy. Therefore, you should remove all the old, unnecessary stuff in this room and then go on with following the Feng Shui steps.

The first rule when speaking about locating and decorating your bedroom in Feng Shui terms is that you should not place this resting room closely to the front door, but as far away from it as possible.

Avoid positioning your bed on the line between the door of the room and windows because this is the main way for Chi to travel. If your bed will be placed somewhere in-between these, it will stop the flow of the flux of energy.

It is wrong to place the bed next to the door or windows, but it should be facing the entrance in the room as it gives a feeling of inner security and it will make it easier for you to see who comes in and who leaves the room.

Avoid sleeping with your head close to a window as your chi will dissipate through the window and make you feel more tired on awakening.

A stable, round-edged headboard will protect your inner Chi and will enhance your inner stability. It has to be round-edged because straight angles and square shapes usually cut the Chi and make it chaotic.

It is not recommended to place a mirror opposite to the door, window or your bed because, by reflection, the mirror will bounce back the energy flow and will prevent it from freely circulating around the room.

The source of light, if possible, should be placed on a wall beside the bed, not on the ceiling. If not possible, try to avoid placing your bed immediately under the beams of electric light because they will push back the flow of energy and will create negative pressure against your chest and head. Nevertheless, the light should not be too powerful, but dim to help you relax.

If you have a computer or TV set in your room, place a plant next to it in order to absorb the electric energy.

The images and photos that you use to surround yourself can have a powerful effect upon your life. Images that remind you of sad events or periods in the past should be avoided. Also, the ones that inspire solitude, loneliness, aggression, conflict etc. Instead, you should use photos that brighten up your life, like those of successful and happy times in your life.

In terms of colors, use soft tones and shades, not bright ones. Green would be the most recommended one, as it brings peace to the soul and has a calming effect, but there is space for a little red and pink that help you improve your relationships and bring passion into your life.