Takes place in the Free Marshes

Jul 12, 2010 11:47 GMT  ·  By

Dragon Age 2 was announced late during last week, with BioWare, the developer, and Electronic Arts, the publisher, officially confirming that the role playing series would get a new installment during March 2011, with the players getting a chance to play as Hawke, a new character that has a story that spawns no less than ten years.

BioWare has offered exclusive information to Game Informer and the magazine offered some more information about Dragon Age 2, mainly about the setting for the new game and about the customization options that players will be able to use to make the main character their own.

In Dragon Age: Origins players were allowed to chose the race, the gender, the attributes and the class for their avatar but the price to pay was that the main character had no voice of his own, as it would be impossible to record enough audio material to cover all the possibilities. By contrast, an in keeping up with the trend started with Mass Effect 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hawke will be fully voiced, giving actual answers as he walks through the game world. The price for the additional immersion is that the race of the main character is set for human, although Game Informer is reporting that the development team promising that a female version of the voice track is being worked on.

BioWare also revealed the fact that at least some of the action of Dragon Age 2 will be taking place in the Free Marches city of Kirkwall, one of the biggest settlements in the area. Hawke is a survivor of the destruction of the small town of Lothering and he flees to the North, settling in a new area and beginning an epic quest which will see him becoming one of the most important persons in the land of Thedas. The fact that Nevarra began as one of the constituents of the Free Marches suggests that players might also get to visit it in Dragon Age 2.