For acquiring me!

Jul 24, 2007 08:28 GMT  ·  By

A few weeks ago, Google proudly announced that it managed to acquire FeedBurner, a company that can help the Mountain View giant reach many of its goals. For example, the two partners are now working on the AdSense advertising platform in order to integrate FeedBurner into its offering and target a different category of users. As I said just after the acquisition was confirmed, Google wants to expand AdSense's market range in order to display adverts even for the users who are reading blogs using RSS feeds. As you know, AdSense places adverts straight on the websites while numerous readers avoided clicking on them since they preferred to view the posts using RSS clients.

"So as most of you know by now, FeedBurner is now part of Google and I'm now working on the AdSense Product Management team helping integrate all we built over the last three years into Google," Steve Olechowski, FeedBurner co-founder wrote on his blog today.

But the interesting thing of the latest post comes from an entire paragraph that does nothing more than praising Google and its incredible products that revolutionized the Internet world.

"So far, it's been a blast. I've always kind of been a tech junkie and Google is tech junkie's heaven, so there you go. More than that, it's hard to find a work environment anywhere with such a collection of intelligent, talented people. It's a big company, so of course there are elements of a big company creeping into the culture, but I have to say it's less like a bigco than any other bigco at which I've ever worked," he wrote.

Google is probably the best thing that can happen to another company such as FeedBurner because the Mountain View giant's power is huge and can bring you all you want such as money, popularity, new technologies and even a place in paradise a.k.a. Googleplex.