Fox is said to do a cross-over of the two comic book series

Dec 30, 2013 07:17 GMT  ·  By
The Fantastic Four might be battling the X-Men in their next big screen film
   The Fantastic Four might be battling the X-Men in their next big screen film

This should get every comic book fan out there hyperventilating as we speak. There are rumors on the internet that Fox studios are looking to make a film starring both the Fantastic Four universe and the X-Men universe. The twist? The two teams of super heroes will be fighting one another instead of busting crime side by side.

The plot line is based on a four-issue comic book which came out in 1987 and which bore the name “Fantastic Four vs. X-Men.” It remains to be seen whether the film will be part of the Fantastic Four reboot billed for release in June 2015 or it will be a separate part of their story.

For now, however, Fox seems to be keeping a tight lid on things. Creative consultant for Fox, Mark Millar, was the first one who hinted at the possible cross-over, but now he's backing down from the claims.

In a comment on Twitter, he said “I keep seeing ‘news’ that X-Men and FF movies are crossing over. No, they're not. They exist in the same universe but movies stand alone.”

This comes after, in a previous statement, he made references to the possibility of a cross-over “You can make people aware that they're existing in the same universe without making it a big crossover movie but it would be an injustice to the Fantastic Four not to make their first movie all about them.”

Marvel is certainly an expert at teaming up various superhero universes. The most famous example is The Avengers franchise which enjoyed world-wide success and spawned at least one sequel “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” that will be coming out in 2015.

Warner Bros. are looking to follow the same pattern as they have a “Superman vs Batman” film in the works right now called “Man of Steel 2.”