To raise awareness on singer’s final days

Oct 26, 2009 08:14 GMT  ·  By
Fans launch “This Is Not It” campaign meant to “spread the truth” about Michael Jackson’s death
   Fans launch “This Is Not It” campaign meant to “spread the truth” about Michael Jackson’s death

“This did not have to be it.” the motto of a newly launched campaign aiming to raise awareness and spread the truth on Michael Jackson’s condition in the final weeks of his life says. A group of fans and longtime MJ supporters, all of whom got to work and know the singer well throughout the years, is now waging a silent war against concert organizers AEG Live, Sony and all those who stand to profit from Michael’s death and the release of the docu-film “This Is It,” which drops this week.

However, the “This Is Not It” group is not trying to boycott the release of the film, because, as it also puts it on the official webpage, it knows such an attempt would be futile from the start. The aim of the campaign is to show that many stood to make more money off Michael’s death than they would have otherwise, which is why they deliberately chose to act negligently about his condition and feed his drug addiction. They treated Michael like an object instead of a human being, in other words.

“We want to be clear that we are not promoting conspiracy theories: we believe that Conrad Murray might have been the hand that caused Michael Jackson’s death by injecting a lethal dose of anesthetic. We hope that justice will be done. However, who paid Murray’s salary? Why did Michael need to take Propofol to sleep? If fans saw Michael in an altered state going in and out of rehearsals, how could his crew and entourage not see it? If fans thought he was too underweight and they staged some sort of intervention, how could others not notice? While wholeheartedly blaming Dr. Murray’s gross negligence and criminal practice, we are contending that additional factors constituted a serious case of neglect which largely contributed to Michael’s passing.” the group says.

This isn’t a witch-hunt type of campaign, either, the same post informs. Its sole aim is to show the world that this did not have to be “it,” that Michael could have been saved if negative influences in his life had been removed. The campaign also aims to “educate” fans who plan on seeing the upcoming film. “His drastic weight loss, stress and fears, and his drug use were evident, the failure of those around him to stop the greedy tour machine and help a man clearly in desperate need of it, needs to be exposed. If there were conspiracies that go beyond neglect, we hope these will be proven, but it is not what we are doing here. In fact, we do not pretend to know exactly what happened that doomed night in June, that is for the police to establish, but we do know that Michael Jackson was slowly killed by negligence and greed for many weeks before June 25th. This we know for sure and we wish to prove it to you.” the group further explains.

In order to “spread the word,” the “This Is Not It” group urges fans who also believe that Michael Jackson was killed for profit and out of indifference to spread flyers at the premiere of the “This Is It” film in their respective countries (granted such actions are legal, of course). For more information on this, please see here. Also check out the video below for a summary of what “This Is Not It” is all about.