Poll reveals women see this age as perfect to start a family

Mar 30, 2009 19:11 GMT  ·  By
At 30, women make a choice between family and career to the disadvantage of the latter, a new poll shows
   At 30, women make a choice between family and career to the disadvantage of the latter, a new poll shows

The pay gap between men and women continues to be a reality in today’s workplace, as countless studies have proven throughout time. However, unlike the days of yore when it was an effect of discrimination, now, it is more the outcome of a choice women make. The results of a new poll indicate that most ladies see the age of 30 as ideal for starting a family and having children, therefore their career comes in second, wherefrom a decrease in salary.

Conducted by Elle magazine and named the “Turning 30” report, the poll included over 1,800 women approaching this once-critical age. The results showed, beyond any trace of doubt, that an overwhelming 80 percent of them saw 30 as the perfect time to get married and start thinking about having children. Oppositely, although for most ladies love turned out to be a priority, only one in five actually thought that men would find them more attractive once this threshold was crossed.

Speaking of negative feelings about reaching the age of 30, one third of all queried women said they would certainly be more “unappealing,” with about the same percentage admitting that thinking about entering into their 40s “filled them with dread.” Nevertheless, this does not change the fact that the poll comes to confirm what figures have already hinted at over the past years: more women choose to become mothers only after 30, way into their early 40s. In doing so, they simultaneously put their career second, opting for jobs for which they are overqualified or that imply less working hours.

“Women don’t necessarily want to get to the top. They want to be excellent at everything they do, as mother, daughter, wife, girlfriend, professional and volunteer.” Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, author of “Why Women Mean Business,” says, as quoted by the Daily Mail, as to how it is a good thing that ladies are constantly redefining their goals in life. Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt feels the same about this once-critical age, admitting right before her 29th birthday that she was eager to make a change in her life.

“I’m so excited! It’s my dream age. I don’t know why but, literally, since my 12th birthday I’ve wanted to turn 30. There’s nothing more graceful or elegant than the beauty of a female when she has figured out who she is.” the actress was sharing at the time.