Don’t be fooled by scammers claiming to offer you the chance to win a free iPhone 5

Jan 30, 2012 14:51 GMT  ·  By

A new phishing scam is doing the rounds purporting as a message from Tumblr, with alleged technical specifications of the next-generation iPhone. Graham Cluley, of security firm Sophos, advises people to steer clear of such phony offers.

The scam alleges that Apple and Tumblr have somehow teamed up for a promo to give away iPhone 5 units.

“We are happy to announce that Tumblr and Apple have joined together in a promotion to giveaway FREE iPhone 5's to each one of our users!”

The offer already sounds surreal when you hear that Apple actually teamed up with another party to promote a yet-unconfirmed product.

Not only doesn’t Apple do the teaming-up game, the company never confirms the existence of any upcoming iPhone, period.

The only way you’re going to see the iPhone 5 confirmed is when Tim Cook & Co. take the stage at one of the company’s major events this year.

So, when you hear that “each” user will get a free iPhone 5, you know it’s too good to be true.

To make the offer more credible and appealing, the scammers sneak in some nice graphics (mostly borrowed from Apple) and a set of fake technical specifications. Those are:

- Increased Display with 3D graphics - 4G Capabilities - Increased Battery Life - 8-megapixel Camera - FaceTime over Cellular Network

It’s like telling the customer everything he / she wants to hear, right? Again, too good to be true.

Some of those features will, indeed, materialize when Apple confirms the fifth-generation iPhone, but you shouldn’t hold your breath for that 3D display. And, for the record, 8-megapixels is already standard on the iPhone 4S (wink).

It doesn’t stop here. Cluley draws attention to another devious feature, and that is - if you try to step away, it will nag you about a survey that offers the chance to win that iPhone.

This is where they sound too desperate to be conducting a legitimate deal. Just another telltale sign of a scam with a capital S.