Scammers are trying to trick users into liking the Facebook pages

Oct 30, 2013 09:15 GMT  ·  By

Who wouldn’t like to win a car simply by liking a page on Facebook and sharing a post? Scammers are well aware that such offers would tempt a lot of users which is why they’ve launched a bogus offer that promises internauts the chance to win a BMW M5.

The scam posts claim the promotion is available for users from all over the world. They read something like this:

“For the 1st time on Facebook we give away one BMW M5. To celebrate our new M5 model and of course for publicity, our program will choose randomly one person on October 31st.

you want to take part of this wonderful contest? Just follow this steps and you can be the lucky winner :

1) Like our Fanpage 2) Share this photo 3) Comment : Silver,Brown or White?

Greetings from our Company!”

In reality, there’s no giveaway. No matter what you do, you will not win a BMW M5. Instead, the scammers are trying to trick as many Facebook members as possible into helping them increase the value of their page.

Once the page has a large number of likes, they can sell it or repurpose it to advertise other shady products and websites.

We’ve come across two fake giveaway pages. One is called “New Promo M5” and the other “Promo M5.” One of them has just been launched, but the other one has already collected over 10,000 likes from unsuspecting users.

The pages have been reported to Facebook. In case you come across such pages, you should do the same.

Over the past weeks, we’ve spotted several similar scams. The tactic is the same, but the brand of the car that’s offered is changed. In the past, we saw bogus offers promising a Chevrolet Camaro and a Ford Mustang.