They need only ask politely

Feb 15, 2008 10:51 GMT  ·  By

Some people go to the social networks because they are bored and think that by getting in touch with some of their old friends (or girlfriends) might spice up their life a bit (especially if they have posted pictures). Human nature is petty and cruel and there's no need to feel ashamed in case you ever found yourself feeling proud to be doing better than some of your old time acquaintances. Other live in social networks, and I mean that in the almost literal way. They wake up to new profile comments and go to sleep to new photo albums discovered.

But what happens when, for one reason or another, somebody decides to delete his or her profile? Naturally, that should be very easy, by clicking the 'Delete' button provided, but in many cases it's not so. Take Facebook, for example, who recently found out that a 10,000 group of users had been advocating just for that feature. "Ever tried to leave Facebook and found out they only allow you to 'deactivate' your account? All your personal data, including photos, interests, friends, etc., will still be saved indefinitely! You don't have to be a conspiracist to find this quite fishy (or simply annoying)," a group message said.

On Monday, the runner-up in the world's largest social network unofficial competition decided to give a hand to those in need, and initiated a procedure, in which users can ask Facebook staff to delete their profiles, as News Factor reports. The group called this "a decent first step" while still complaining because they had to come up with motivation for the decision to delete, when asked. "Why hide the option far down in the help pages? And why make it a form? Do I first have to go hunting for HOW to leave, and then explain WHY? This is a decent first step, now implement the long-awaited delete button, thanks!," another message reads.

The button won't be coming anytime soon, though, according to Katie Geminder, director for user experience and design at Facebook. They first have to see how this method works before they let the fish go off the hook.