The agency provides users with advice on how to protect themselves against such attacks

Feb 13, 2014 18:41 GMT  ·  By

Over the past few weeks, cybercriminals have been sending out fake funeral notices in an effort to trick Internet users into installing malware onto their computers. The US Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning about these emails. 

The agency advises consumers to delete all emails that inform them of a friend or a loved one’s passing. If the notification looks legitimate, contact the funeral home of the family to check if it’s true, instead of opening the attachments or clicking on the links contained in the email.

The FTC provides recommendations on how to avoid falling victim to such scams:

- never click on links or attachments contained in suspicious emails; - always keep all your software updated; - download applications only from trusted websites; - don’t buy software in response to unsolicited emails or unexpected pop-up messages; - use pop-up blockers; - set your browser’s security settings to as high as you can; - regularly back up your data.