B-50 from Healthy Life Chemistry by Purity First tests positive for two anabolic steroids

Jul 29, 2013 07:51 GMT  ·  By
Vitamin B supplement from Healthy Life Chemistry by Purity First tests positive for two anabolic steroids
   Vitamin B supplement from Healthy Life Chemistry by Purity First tests positive for two anabolic steroids

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning for all those who bought the vitamin B supplement B-50 from Healthy Life Chemistry by Purity First, after it tested positive for two, very dangerous anabolic steroids.

The supplement tested positive for methasterone and dimethazine, neither of which was listed on the ingredients list, Reuters informs.

These steroids are illegal and commonly used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass faster and with less effort. They are also very dangerous and should never, under any circumstance, be included in a dietary supplement.

“Federal regulators have received 29 reports of side effects connected with the product, including fatigue, muscle cramping and pain. Some of the cases have resulted in hospitalization, but there have been no reports of death or liver failure,” Reuters says.

Women who took the supplement noticed an excessive hair growth, while side effects in men included impotence and low testosterone.

The report also mentions that the makers of the supplement have denied a request to recall the product, despite mounting evidence of the harm it does. The supplement is sold both online and in stores.

As it happens, most of the complaints came from patients seen by a single doctor.

“The FDA said it first became aware of the problem from a physician who treated 20 patients with similar symptoms of fatigue and muscle pain as well as abnormal lab tests,” Reuters further says.

“All the patients had been referred by another physician who had been prescribing a regime of dietary supplements. The one common product was the Healthy Life Chemistry product,” adds the report.

If the makers don’t recall the supplement, they could be liable for prosecution. As of now, they refused to comment on the situation, let alone their plans for the supplement after the FDA warning.