James Tracy fights media backlash prompted by his previous statement

Jan 10, 2013 09:42 GMT  ·  By

Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy is not backing down from his theory that the Newtown tragedy is a hoax by the Obama government.

He is tweaking his statement on the Sandy hook shooting though, in an interview with WPTV. He originally hinted that the tragedy never occurred.

Tracy mentioned in his blog that all witnesses were “crisis actors” to give credibility to a gruesome hoax. He is now calling that an “oversimplification” of his statement.

"I said that there may very well be elements of that event that are synthetic to some degree, that are somewhat contrived. I think that overall, the media really did drop the ball. I don't think that the media have gotten to the bottom of some of the things that may have taken place there," he argues.

The most confusing part of this interview is when he is asked whether he thinks that 20 children were killed in Newtown.

"I think most likely that did take place," he answers.