The Eye Mirror is also capable of delivering footage for the Oculus Rift device

Dec 16, 2013 15:56 GMT  ·  By

Last month we were presenting an interesting Kickstarter project that aimed to bring 360 degrees capture capabilities for GoPro cameras, but unfortunately the project was canceled before it could meet its funding goal.

Today we have stumbled upon a new Kickstarter project that also aims to bring a 360 degrees lens for GoPro cameras and, more than that, it can be attached to any DSLR, camcorder or compact camera (via adapter) enabling you to grab panoramic interactive videos.

On the DSLR/camcorder, the Eye Mirror can screw onto the front allowing you to instantly capture 360 degrees footage. The GP360 model comes with its own housing for your GoPro camera, where you can simply place the camera inside.

In addition to that, you will also be able to shoot your GoPro underwater using a special housing. Shooting with Eye Mirror is as simple as pointing your camera up and start recording. The output video doesn't need any processing and you can watch it on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS-enabled device right away or you can upload it to your website and share it with your friends.

Moreover, the Eye Mirror offers support for the upcoming Oculus Rift virtual-reality headset, which will allow you to look around the scene you just shot using head tracking and providing an immersive experience.

Even more, using a firmware modification, users will be able to shoot at a 3020x3020 resolution and 22 frames per second. The Eye Mirror is also capable of simulating the 3D environment providing up to 14xHD resolution for the Oculus display without stretching the image.

With 19 days to go, the Eye Mirror has already exceeded its funding goal of £14,000 / €16,600 / $23,000 and its creators have mentioned that, if it reaches the £100,000 / €118,000 / $163,000, they will refund the fees paid for the Oculus software.

If you are interested in getting one of these lenses, you should head to the Kickstarter page where for £120 / €142 / $195 you could receive your own GoPro Eye Mirror lens.

Photo Gallery (2 Images)

Eye Mirror on GoPro
Eye Mirror 1 and compact adapter
Open gallery