Via a patch

Dec 20, 2006 10:53 GMT  ·  By

A patch is available for download that will extend the 30 days grace period of Windows Vista to an unlimited period. Patching Windows Vista in order to prologue the operating system's 30 days trial period is yet another inventive and illegal alternative to actually acquiring a genuine Vista license.

Today I have come across an executable file that I will refer to as Xx-Xxx_Unlimited_Installer_2.0. This is not actually the product's name. The original name has been disfigured. Softpedia does not support any type of piracy and will certainly not promote code that in involved or can enable piracy.

With Windows Vista, Microsoft is delivering customers with an evaluation period of 30 days. The authors of Xx-Xxx_Unlimited_Installer_2.0 promise that their program will extend the no activation period an unlimited number of times. Here is their statement on the matter:

"It is possible to extend the time left to activate Windows Vista even after 30 days grace period has timeout or expired, by using -xxxx switch for xxxx or xxxx.vbs command and script (software licensing manager).

1. Download the Xx-Xxx_Unlimited_Installer_2.0 executable. 2. Install Windows Vista with default product key or without any product key. 3. Do not reboot computer yet. 4. Run command prompt with xxx xxx. (right click on xxxx xxx icon, and choose "xxxx" or type "xxx w/" in xxxx search) 5. Type xxxxx -xxxx in command prompt. 6. Wait until confirmation says completed successfully, then restart computer. 7. Whenever 30 days trial almost used up or going to end, simply go to xxx xxxx (with xxxx xxxxx) again, and type "xxxx -xxxxxx" again to get fresh 30 days of trial period, without the need to activate Windows Vista yet.

The trick should work on all editions of Windows Vista including Windows Vista Ultimate edition x86 and x64 (32-bit and 64-bit) Vista. The Vista rearm patch installs xxxxxx.vbs into c:Windowsxxxxx folder, or other location that you specified."

As you can see, the guide provided for the extension of the evaluation period of Windows Vista has been altered and in the form presented herein is useless. This article is purely for informative purposes and not to provide the actual guide to extending Vista's evaluation period.